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HUESKER Geosintéticos S.A.U.
C/ O. Nave 8
31110 Noain (Navarra)

Geogrid Reinforced Block Walls In Waterfront Projects Under Special Boundary Conditions


The paper deals with two waterfront projects where the use of geogrid reinforced retaining block walls have been found to be the best solution to meet the project specific requirements. The paper high-lights the main requirements of retaining walls in waterfront projects, the project specific characteristics (e.g. rapid water drop) and also innovative solutions (e.g. geotextile safeguard of concrete cantilever retaining walls in case of earthquake). The use of geogrid reinforced block walls has been a big success in both projects.


The paper describes the high demands of retaining structures within waterfront projects. Two out-standing waterfront projects have been presented in the paper in which geotextile reinforced block walls have been applied successfully as retaining walls. In both projects special requirements could be solved by the modular system. Besides explaining the different calculations, basic considerations including details for determining the seismic coefficients ac-cording to Eurocode 8, special structural solutions, such as for example the sealing of geosynthetic block walls are described.

Both presented projects are excellent examples for the great advantages of geogrid reinforced block walls.