Protección del subsuelo y las aguas subterráneas: geomallas y revestimientos de arcilla en la construcción de vertederos
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HUESKER Geosintéticos S.A.U.
C/ O. Nave 8
31110 Noain (Navarra)

Bottom Lining Systems

Both new landfill sites and extensions to existing facilities require the installation of special bottom lining systems.

The key requirement - to protect the uncontaminated subgrade and groundwater - can be met through the use of our HaTe® nonwoven geotextiles, which have been officially approved by the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. Apart from serving as a protective layer for polymer membranes, they also double up as a separating and filter layer between different mineral strata. Our NaBento® geosynthetic clay liners can also enhance the sealing performance of the geological barrier or any mineral clay liner.


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